
Warning: We’ve discovered a bug in the software that runs this web site.
It only supports passwords that are 12 characters in length or less. If you change it to something unacceptable, it won’t tell you but will simply say “Please change your password”. Which you do, again, and it says the same thing, again. Don’t accept the recommendation that it gives you for a new password. Come up with your own that’s no longer than 12 characters and you should be okay. — Dave D

This is a private web site for Epworth Cottage Owners. Accessing anything other than this home page requires a login ID (username and password). Just click any of the menu items or the links below to get started. To get a login ID, fill out the following form and email it to epworthpark@gmail.com: Contact Information Update Form.

If you are a cottage owner and are having any problems logging in or see anything that is incorrect or should be added, contact support here!